The Site is inside your root account or Network. This would be where your business/organization is located physically.
Note: When making the Site, make sure to properly set the timezone as it cannot be edited after. The time zones would be used later for the scheduling of Operations.
These are the following tools you have access to as an admin:
- Site Forms
- Site Users
- Site Schedule
- Edit Site
- Delete Site
- Site Subscription
Users can be added to one or more Sites.
Site Forms
Site forms can only be used within that Site.You would not be able to use it in other Sites within that Network or other Sites in another Network.
Form Actions
- Complete Operation
- Attach to Resources
- Send Emails
Site Users
A Site admin can assign user roles to users for them to be able to access the contents of the Site.
Site Admin
Site admins can only manage the Site they are an admin of. They cannot access other Networks or Sites without the necessary roles.
A Site admin can assign user roles to users for them to be able to access the contents of the Site. Site Admins will not be able to submit a form, view the performance report, or anything that is related to being an End-User.
Being a Site Admin you have the following capabilities:
- Add Site
- Site Forms
- Site Users
- Site Schedules
- Site Edit
- Site Delete
- Manage Subscriptions
- Add Departments
- Department Edit
- Department Delete
Work Area
- Add new column
- Add Operation
- Add Resource
- Delete Work Area
End User
The End-user would be those who are needed to have access to the Operations. They will be expected to open and submit forms.
Being an end-user you have the following capabilities:
- Open and submit forms
- View Operation reports, to look at the recent or previous submissions. Figure out how many have submitted on what date.
- open performance report
- Export Operations
- Export Work Areas
- Export Department
- Export Submissions
Site Schedule
Site Schedule is available if you want to automate your Operations. With this feature, Operations would be activated at a specific day,month,year, and time. When there is an active instance of an Operation, the background color will be pink.
Edit Site
You are able to edit the Site title and apply your own custom logo to the Site. This custom logo will substitute the Didge logo at the top left of the browser. Recommended to use png format with transparent background.
Delete Site
You are able to delete your Site. Please use extreme caution here as this cannot be undone. All data associated with the Site is permanently deleted and purged from the system.