The Network is the root account of your organization on Didge. At a Network level, you can access the following tools:
- Network Forms
- Network Users
- Edit Network
- Delete Network
Users can be added to one or more Networks as Admin. Network users are not End-Users, rather Admin users. As such, Network users cannot submit Operations, access Reporting or perform tasks generally associated with the End-User. Should an Network user require access or functions as an End-User, they would need to be added as a Site user. The overall framework of your Didge application is as follows:
- Network (root account)
- Sites (within Network)
- Departments (within Site)
- Work Areas (within Department)
- Operations (within Work Areas)
Network Forms
You are able to build, update and maintain forms at a Network level. Network forms are available to all Sites within your Network. Sites on other Networks cannot access your Network forms. Network forms can only be edited by Network Users.
Network forms allow organizations to use centrally managed forms across all Sites. This becomes highly beneficial when managing many Sites, as a form needs only to be developed once, and it can then be re-used as many times as needed. Forms can be further configured at a Site level using the Settings Container feature.
Note: please see the Form Building section for further information on this function.
Form Actions
- Send email
- Complete Operation
Network Users
Network Users have an admin role with the following capabilities:
- Add Network Users
- Add Network Sites
- Add Network Forms
- Edit Network
- Delete Network
Edit Network
Delete Network
Network Admin
Network is the root account of your organization, being a Network Admin here means you manage everything. From the creation of Sites down to adding Operation and making forms, as well as managing users.
Being a Network Admin you have the following capabilities on the respective levels:
- Network Forms
- Network Users
- Edit Network
- Delete Network
- Add Site
- Site Forms
- Site Users
- Site Schedules
- Site Edit
- Site Delete
- Manage Subscriptions
- Add Departments
- Department Edit
- Department Delete
Work Area
- Add new column
- Add Operation
- Add Resource
- Delete Work Area
- Delete Operation