Moonee Valley Racing Club

Moonee Valley Racing Club

Since Nov 2021

About the Project

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What Client Say

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ac tellus scelerisque neque tincidunt maximus. Donec ut eleifend tortor, ut molestie neque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ullamcorper tortor ut cursus consectetur.


John Doe

Executive Chef

About the Property

Established in 1883, the Moonee Valley Racing Club (MVRC) has enjoyed a rich and vibrant history of thoroughbred horse racing at its unique amphitheatre racecourse nestled in the heart of Moonee Ponds. Renowned for the W.S. Cox Plate, Australasia’s Weight-for-Age Championship, The Valley is also Australia’s leading night racing venue.

The MVRC is embarking on a historic transformation of the racecourse precinct and recently launched its hospitality business, Dean and McPherson.

Moonee Valley Racing Club is committed to maintaining high standards of excellence in racing and customer service. Each race meeting offers premium racing, entertainment and enjoyment throughout the year and during the Spring Racing Carnival. Our aim is to engage and excite our members and visitors about day and night racing at The Valley and through our premium Ladbrokes Cox Plate Carnival.

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